Wednesday, September 2, 2009

If you want my body, and you think I'm sexy... (thank you, Rod Stewart!)

In about a week I'll be headed to my high school reunion. It's been thirty years since I walked the halls of Olathe High School, in a once-small town near Kansas City. The graduates of 1979 were the last class in an era where there was only one high school in town. Now there are four or five. I've lost track.

I guess I'm one of the rare folks who enjoyed high school. I'm not saying I'd want to do it again. Certainly, there was plenty of drama and angst and questioning and, did I mention drama? I wanted to be thinner, I always wanted new clothes...I wanted to look like everyone else. But it's not like adult life isn't filled with drama too. I mean, do you WORK in an office? There are still cliques and mean girls and incompetent authority figures in the adult world. We'd all like to think that we've left high school behind, but the issues back then are often still the issues today, just in bigger pants!

It's interesting to me that some of the same locations and names are still in the news. In 1979 the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran after being in exile, Saddam Hussein became president of Iraq, and the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan. Hmmm. Sounds familiar.

I hope in my own life I've moved on from the issues of an 18 year old. I hope I've learned something, grown a little, made some improvements, changed my priorities. I enjoy being 48.

But I do wish I was thinner for that 30th reunion. And I do want some new clothes. Maybe things haven't changed all that much.


Shari said...

We should go shopping.

Jennifer Chronicles ( said...

i loved high school, but i'd never want to relive the teen years. being an adult really is the best. have fun!!!

Unknown said...

I just went to my 20 yr HS reunion...still some cliches but for the most part everyone had grown up and matured...hope you have a wonderful time
Oh and i love your play on words with cari-Okie love it!