Hanging out in Newton with precious Grandma Dot (my mother-in-law) while Mark hangs out with his Dad in the Cardiac Care Unit in Wichita. Somebody, who shall remain nameless but whose initials are Grandpa Bob, ignored signs of serious heart problems for, oh a day or a week or, mmm, maybe a whole month. When he finally called the doc he was instructed to report to the emergency room stat. Isn't that how they talk in the medical field? We need 5 cc's of heptapheranagan and then push 4 cc's of globomadaphin stat. His BP is 200 over 950.
At least that's what I heard when we arrived in a rush last night. It's all so much gobbledygook to us lay persons. Except for the blood pressure being over 200. That was fo'real! Thus the all expenses (not) paid trip to a luxury suite in the cardiac unit.
Prayers are appreciated.
"Stat" is never comfortable...
Will be thinking about you and your family!
The Hilton is much cheaper and the service much better. And it's probably more sanitary. And the food's better. Come to think of it, when I've reached a certain age and have a life-threatening medical emergency, maybe I'll ask the ambulance driver to please rush me to the nearest Hilton. At least I'll be comfortable.
Seriously (folks), I hope Bob and Dot are doing alright. Hugs all around.
Waiting is stupid.
I tried to think of something more prolific to say but that's all I got. I hate waiting.
And the fact that strangers speaki-ng medical-stuff-we-understand-and-you-don't have complete control of whether you go or stay drives you crazy! I'm sure Grandpa Bob is pretty used to getting up and leaving when he wants to. And you too. Urghh.
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers :) Hugs to all.
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