Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Got a few minutes?

If you don't have today off, you'll have tomorrow free, so thought I'd provide a little entertainment.

Is it just me, or do you see faces in random places? Is that a sign of mental illness? Paranoia? Please tell me you see a face in my purse.

This video won the Children's Jury Award at the Encounters Short Film Festival. Gotta love life in cubicles.

And a few words about gratitude...

Happy day before Thanksgiving!


Stephen said...

I think kids in particular see faces (and animals and words and lots of other things) in everyday objects all the time. It's cool that you can still see those things. When they start talking to you, get help. :o)

Cari said...

Oh good. I was afraid I was already at the get help stage.

Shari said...

I can see it! She's an ugly mug, but I can see it!

caroljahn said...

Funny how this electronic window on the world can take you from here to there. I followe the link from the BFC enewsletter to Christmas in the Barn at the Wilds to your blog, and here I am, and now I'm late for class! But I DO see the face in your purse. Does she have a name?