Here's a picture of the amazing iced sugar cookies I was drooling over in my tweet yesterday. I think iced sugar cookies trump any other kind of dessert. I gave a couple to each of my coworkers since we all had a rough start to the day. I'm not sure if it's good or bad that I've finally darkened the door of Clark's Bakery here in Bethany. First Tessa's perfect, fluffy pink birthday layer cake, then these awesome cookies. I can tell I'm going to have to treat it like a special-occasion-only place or I'll be in there every day.

I know you'll probably all be busy out with your sweetheart doing astoundingly romantic things together this weekend. Or not. But in case you have some time, here are some fun links.
One day recently I was listening to NPR and luh,huh,uved this story. It's the full hour of This American Life, but it's worth it. You can download it and listen while you're road tripping, or just treat yourself, get a latte, put your feet up and enjoy. Maybe it's just because I'd much prefer a good true story over fiction, but the story of Bobby Dunbar is fascinating.
And another truth is stranger than fiction thing...from my Dad. I'll post it since my siblings didn't.
And, and, and...it's been a while since I posted the basic dogs on couch photo, so here you go.

So, please for future reference, don't post a pic of your lovely self with your adorable dogs.
It makes this bff miss you even more than I thought I did last time we talked.
I heart you my friend...Happy V-Day.
love you sis!
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